Day 2054 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Isaiah 43:18 NIV

Been talking about forgetting the past and moving on to bigger and better things. Folks, we know what's behind us. We've lived every second of it. We have the memories, wear the scars, and could share the stories. Been there, done that. All that. So why live it again? Why sit around and go over things that have already happened when there's literally nothing to do about it now?

The future ahead of us is completely wide open. No limits. We don't know what God has in store for us, but we have every reason to trust Him. There's just something about the hope that His promises give us that makes me not want to miss any of what He has up ahead. To me, there's just no point in reliving something that's already been lived when there are so many new things happening around us.

This really hit me today. This morning was basically a nonstop nightmare. So much thinking, figuring, searching, and trying to get things lined out only to get nowhere. And I realized that the frustration of the morning was pouring over into the afternoon. I was using the rough patch behind me to become an excuse to throw away the rest of the day.

Sadly, I think that's all too common in our lives. One bad thing happens, and it becomes this anchor that holds us in place while we stew in our anger or regret. We end up allowing one rough moment to keep us focused on something that's already over. Just move on. That's kind of been a rally cry in quite a few of my posts recently. Move on. Stop looking behind at what's gone and live here and now in the present that God is unfolding before your eyes.

It's so easy to allow our pasts to predetermine our future. We just assume that our mistakes will happen again. The things that went wrong will blow up again. We worry about the things we've gotten wrong. It's all just pointless because there's nothing we can do about any of it. Can't change the past choices we once made. Can't ensure that everything goes just right going forward. Why waste the time trying and end up missing out on something new that's going on as we speak?

Maybe all we can do is just live in this moment right here. The past is the past, and it will always be what it has been. But the future is a story that we get to read one day at a time. New is always more fun, more exciting. So embrace the freedom to leave the past behind and see where God takes you from here. It's going to be amazing, so don't let yourself miss it!


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