Day 2055 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

James 1:12 NIV

"The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It's about what you're made of, not the circumstances." My mom shared that one with me last night and you know how I love my little inspirational quotes! As I've talked about in plenty of posts before, the things we face in life don't have the right to dictate our peace or joy. Stop letting them!

The trials that we face in life are what they are, and there's no changing it. The only thing we get to control is how we respond to them. And how we respond says the most about what we have inside. Our reactions to the hand that we get dealt tells the world everything it needs to know about who we are.

If we respond to uncomfortable or unfortunate situations with anger or frustration, then we're showing that we have a lot of negativity deep down. We're showing that the pain, darkness, or doubt is only boiling over and exploding outward. Sadly, that's what we see for the most part in so many other people.

So if that's how you typically respond to life's harder days, then congratulations, you have room to improve! Come to think of it, we all do. We all have chances to get better and grow stronger in life. But those opportunities to increase the strength of our faith aren't found in the calm and easy moments in life. They're in the middle of the hard times, long days, scary situations, and impossible challenges.

As this verse in James teaches us, blessed is the one that keeps going. Blessed is the one who doesn't give up because life gets hard. Blessed is the one that doesn't allow the hard times in life to get the better of them. Because they are the ones that grow the most. They're the ones that become the toughest warriors for Christ. They are the ones that get to grow the closest to God because they learn how to lean on Him when they have nothing left.

Friends, be that kind of person. Not the one that whines and quits because it's hard. Be the one that pushes even harder when life gets tough because you know that God has a reason for it. Be the one that never lets doubt or discomfort send you running because you know God is leading you to something beautiful through it all. Above all, never allow life to get the better of you. We all have so much more inside of us than we know. It just takes a little heat and pressure to find it!


  1. You are doing a great job on the examples and writing for the verses you post. This one is so true. Keep going, don't stop and when we have nothing left reach out to Jesus.

    1. Thank you!! It's natural to want to give up sometimes, but we'll never find out what we have to give if we do. And Jesus is always there to help when we think we've run out of steam to make it!


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