Day 2057 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 John 3:6 NIV

One of the first things I remember learning back in 2018 when I started working out was this quote: "You can't outwork a junk diet." When I first started, I was still eating like a grown up toddler. Nothing but junk, and as much of it as I could grab. But then one day I realized I had just worked out for over an hour only to follow it up with sitting on the couch eating a bag of chips. And it dawned on my that if I kept that up, I would never get anywhere.

So I left it behind. All that junk that I once loved. Don't eat any or drink any of it anymore. Gone. And what's amazing is that I don't miss it. I've tried some of that stuff I used to live off of a time or two over the past couple years and I can't stand it. Tastes horrible, and I now realize that it is truly horrible for me. I know it will keep me from improving, and that's no longer acceptable to me.

Guys, the same thing goes for sin. If we keep allowing sin to enter our lives and exist in our minds, then we will never improve. We can't outrun, outwork, or out-hope the presence of sin in our lives. As long as sin hangs around in our lives then there will always be this gap between us and our King. If we truly want to grow toward Christ, to improve ourselves, and to become the better people that He created us to be, then the sin has to go. There's just no other choice.

Sin is this anchor that holds us in place and convinces us that it's all we need. It convinces us that it's fun, enjoyable, exciting, and fulfilling. But once we muster up the courage to try to change and step out of that pattern of self-destructive sin, then we're going to realize it for the junk that it is. We will finally be able to see that it's holding us back from being better, from being happier.

So folks, don't ever buy this idea that a little sin is okay. Don't accept the thought that the bad habits in your life aren't all that bad or harmful. They're deadly. They are killing your progress every single time you give in to them. They are holding you back from a happiness and a sense of accomplishment like nothing you've ever felt before.

Cut the sins loose. Leave them behind. Break those chains that your sins have used to hold you in place. If you don't, those feelings of shame and regret are all you will ever have. And we should all want far better than that for ourselves. Guys, there is a better life out there. So pick yourself up, take out the trash in your life, and step back into the light of God's calling for you.


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