Day 2059 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 4:19 NIV

Another day of not feeling too great, and another amazing band that managed to push me to get after it anyway. Today newsboys just kept it coming! Their song Way Beyond Myself (link below) has this line that's been stuck since I heard it: "We've forgotten how to inspire those who fall to rise again." That's one of the most sadly accurate things I've ever heard. Time to change it!

We've become so busy building our own little kingdoms, carving out our perfect little lives that we've forgotten that there are so many people still lost and hurting around us. I think we've gone so far into this social media existence that we just assume everyone is just fine because that's all we see. We see these picture perfect lives and think that's the whole story. But no matter how great someone can be at painting a smile on their face, it doesn't change the fact that they're crying out for help under it all.

That's where you and I have to come in. We have to! We need to stop assuming everything is just fine and go deeper for those around us. We have all felt that incredible feeling of being brought back to life after the sin and shame has beaten us down. We've felt that amazing renewed hope of getting a second chance. Now we get to share that light and power with everyone else.

There's nothing that Christ can't do for us. If we're lost, He will lead us home. If we're hurting, He will heal the wounds. If we're losing hope, He will help us hold on. If we're broken, He will put us back together. If we're stuck in the darkness, He will brighten things up. Nothing at all He can't do. Share that message with those around you because I guarantee you that they need it!

We can't forget how to help pick people back up because life will not stop knocking people down. When we forget how to help others, then we're admitting defeat and allowing the darkness to beat those we should be helping. Not acceptable, ever! It's one of those points that I come back to quite often. We would definitely want someone else to help us back up, so we should be willing to do the same for them.

Our world will never stop needing Jesus. And those of us that have experienced His goodness and light have the duty and opportunity to point others to Him and help them back to their feet. So my friends, if you are struggling, if you're hurting, if you're losing hope, please know that there is someone who cares. Please know that you are never alone. And above all, please know that Christ is right there working in your life. All it takes is the strength to ask for help!


  1. Amen. He has and is everything we need. That is a message everyone should hear.

    1. Yep, no way it can't change lives for the better!


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