Day 2060 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Peter 4:1 NIV

There is a purpose for everything! Most of the time it's incredible hard to see because it's hidden behind things like pain, sadness, and regret. It can be seriously hard to understand why we go through the things that we face in life. But when we truly believe that there's a purpose for it, then it makes us want to keep pushing through it to see what it's leading toward.

This right here is one of those verses that just fires you up and gets the adrenaline pumping. Christ endured something that we'll never experience. He took all of the pain and punishment that our sins had earned. He faced that horror because He knew there was a reason. He did it all because He knew that it would lead to change, repentance, and the gift of a life free from sin.

He took all of that for you and me because He loves us too much to leave us lost and broken in a life of darkness. If He was willing to do all of that to show us how special and valuable we are, then we can surely push through the comparably tiny problems that we face. Sure, they're not fun or enjoyable. Many of them truly hurt and even leave scars that we'll carry for the rest of our lives. But we can make it!

Arm yourselves with the same attitude that He had carrying that cross. Do it because you know that it's worth it. Do it because you know that it is leading you to something better. Do it because it will make you stronger and help you experience more of the faith you claim to have in Him. Face life and every trial in it with a smile on your face and joy in your heart because you know that every single one of them is a gift from God sent to shape you into who He made you to be!

Nothing about enduring those hard times or making those tough choices is ever easy. But the harder things are, the more we take away from them. As I find myself continuing to say in these posts, there is something better out there. Please don't miss it because it's hidden behind pain, hardship, and change. It may hurt on the way there, but once you see the purpose for the pain, you'll never doubt that it was more than worth it!


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