Day 2062 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 29:1 NIV

Surely you've heard the phrase 'check yourself before you wreck yourself'. Well today I wrecked myself. My upper back has been giving me fits all week, and I thought that I had managed to get it back in, but I found out this afternoon that I was wrong. About 30 minutes into my shoulder workout I discovered I had made things much, much worse. But alas, there's always a lesson to share!

Stubbornness is one of those things that I think we all deal with in different ways. One of mine is when it comes to working out apparently. I love it, feel miserable when I miss a workout, and obviously rush things when I should maybe take a day off. So today I learned that my own stubbornness to try to workout anyway led me straight to a bigger predicament than before.

How often does that happen to us? We get something in our heads, and no matter what, we're going to do it. We can get so hard-headed that we will run ourselves headlong into a brick wall if we've convinced ourselves that we need to do so. It's amazing how many problems we end up causing ourselves in life because we're just adamant to do things we want to do, and to do them our way.

But at some point, humility is coming one of two ways. It's either going to come from us letting go of control and admitting that we don't know what's best most of the time. Or we're going to be humbled once we completely destroy ourselves and make a complete mess out of our lives. Trust me, one is far easier and much less painful!

So as I sit here trying not to move my head with a TENS unit pumping stabbing electricity into my upper back, I can say I'm definitely a little more humble than I was when I woke up this morning. Friends, we need to do a far better job of listening more and thinking less. We need to stop thinking we know best and trust that God knows far better than we do! When we stop listening to Him and trusting in His ways, then we're headed straight for trouble! Miserable, embarrassing, and extremely painful trouble.


  1. Our time here is not infinate. We need to let God have control over our lives and our hearts now. Be who he made us not who we make ourselves.


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