Day 2063 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 4:18 NIV

Yesterday I shared one of life's painful little lessons that I've learned recently. And as we talked about, our own stubbornness is one of our biggest hurdles to overcome in our walk with Christ. It's this stumbling block that only keeps tripping us up because it leads us to keeping our focus and trust in ourselves. That's exactly why I said we need to learn to listen more and think less.

Christ is continually calling us to something better. He is always pulling us out of the darkness of our own mistakes and weaknesses into His light. And as we keep humbling ourselves more and more, we're going to find that life gets more and more beautiful. That's what happens when we leave the darkness behind and finally submit to His path for us. It leads us to something amazing that only gets better every single day.

As we've discussed in several posts before, faith is a journey. It's not this overnight quick-fix kind of thing. It's a lifelong trip from the brokenness of our past to the mercy of His healing. We get to keep on learning new ways of living life better because we learn every single day that He made us for more. It's truly one of the most amazing progressions that we ever get to experience.

That's exactly what this verse is telling us. The more we learn to choose what is right, the better we are for it. The further we get from the messed up ways we once lived, the more beautiful everything gets around us. I've honestly noticed this one massively in my own life this past year. I'm working on leaving old ways behind and I've seen life and the world around me in a new and more incredible way because of it.

Friends, just trust Jesus. He can and will lead us to a life that is better and better all the time. The good that we've felt and witnessed so far is only the very tip of the iceberg of this journey called faith. It only gets better the more we truly submit and give ourselves and our desires over to Him. He will replace all the bad and broken with things beyond our comprehension. And it will just keep getting better until that day that He returns to take us to the ultimate reward that is waiting for us!


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