Day 2064 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 119:37 NIV

There comes a time in everyone's life where we have to stop and ask ourselves what we want. We have to look at the direction that we're going. We need to evaluate the choices that we're making. And we need to ask ourselves if that's good enough. Are the things we're doing and the choices we're making going to lead us to the peace that we're looking for? If not, time to make some changes!

I know it's another one of those hard conversations to have and a very eye-opening thing to think about, but it has to be done. The fact is that we're surrounded by worthless things that we're sadly prone to become interested in. Our world is fascinated with things that add no value or meaning to life. But people tell us that they're important or valuable and so we just buy that lie and dive in ourselves.

Having so many distractions just doesn't mix well with our extremely short attention spans. You see, the Bible tells us over and over again that we are made for more than what this world has to offer. It's one of the very first stories in those pages in fact. The Bible starts off from the very beginning with the story of Adam and Eve that tells us to be leery of listening to the lies we're sold by others. And it points out the damage done when we fail to heed that warning.

All of us have fallen for those lies and accepted worthless things as these keys to happiness and fulfillment. And we've also felt the sting of being let down every single time we fall for it. So that's when we have to ask ourselves what we want. Do we want to keep stumbling over lie after lie being let down all the time and never finding anything worthwhile? Or do we truly want something better for ourselves?

At some point, most of us decide that we do want better. We decide to stop paying attention to the lies and falling for the worthless things that keep tripping us up. We decide to fight for something better because we truly believe that God made us for more. So take some time and ponder this one for yourself. Is what you're doing leading you where you want to go? Are the choices you're making leading you closer to Christ and the peace that is found only in His salvation. If not, then why keep going that way and making those choices?

Life in all of its fullness is only found in God. All these other things that we've tasted and tried can never fill us up and offer us the gifts that He does. That's because they are empty themselves. Thankfully, Christ has the answer to help solve this issue once and for all. John 4:14 makes it pretty clear. Leave the ways of this world behind and pursue Him instead of anything else. That's where you'll find the life that you truly hope for. A life worth living!


  1. Good post. I think it's something I in my own life need to watch out for. We want to do better, to be better but are trying hard enough. Do we really let go and let God have everythign that we are.

    1. Exactly! It's easy to fall into a rut thinking that we're doing good enough. But if there are things we can improve, then we can always grow!


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