Day 2066 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 6:33 NIV

This is why we need to focus on running toward Christ and not away from something else. He will always take care of us. He will always walk with us no matter where we go or what we face. He will always fulfill His incredible promises for us. He will always put us first, so we just don't have to anymore. To me, that sounds like a kind of freedom that isn't like anything else.

You know, I'm tired of trying to build my little cardboard kingdom. I'm tired of trying to figure everything out and retain some semblance of control in life. I'm tired of working so hard yet failing so often to understand life and all that happens in it. I'm tired of focusing so much on what I want and getting my way. I'm tired of that feeling of crushing back to earth when things inevitably don't go the way I want them to go.

Mostly I'm tired of living only for me. For such a long time I've truly felt that there's something far bigger than my measly little existence in this earth. My life has to be about more than me because anything I set out to accomplish for myself only leads to this feeling of selfish pride that is as fleeting as it gets. So there has to be more. Thankfully there is!

We don't have to limit our lives to ourselves. We can live for something more. We can focus on something more. We can live these lives determined to know Christ and make Him known. Now to me, that just feels like it's something limitless. We can always grow closer to Him. We can always learn more from Him. And it's something that will last well beyond us and our little worlds.

So friends I encourage everyone to set yourself aside for a while and truly see where He can take you once you're out of the way. What I'm finding more and more is that as I put my wants and selfish desires to the side is this freedom that is beyond words. It's a freedom to no longer be bound by the whims and ways of the world, and it's a freedom I pray everyone can experience! Give Him a chance to take center stage in your life. Just might be amazed by how life seems to open up as the limits fade!


  1. Let everything else go and trust him to get us where we are going.

    1. Amen! It's truly a freeing feeling when you stop trying to control everything and just see what He does!


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