Day 2067 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Corinthians 3:17 NIV

What consumes your mind controls your life. I've been talking quite a lot about making God and our relationships with Him our main priority in life. The things that we run after consume us. The things that we prioritize consume us. So it's up to us to be absolutely positive that what we're chasing is making us better. And if it ain't, maybe we need to turn around back toward something that will.

If we're chasing after the things this world offers then all of our time and attention will be poured into obtaining that stuff. The problem is that even once we get it, whatever 'it' may be, we won't find the fulfillment that we thought 'it' would bring. We'll only be pacified for a moment before we're off on the next thing that might do the trick. But never once will we actually find anything worth having.

All that happens is that we become slaves to the world. It's sold as this freedom to do, say, think, and have anything that you can imagine. And while that sounds like this amazing life that's completely wide open, it's truly limited. It's limited because we're always bound to searching for something that can make us feel happy and whole. And to me at least, that just isn't freedom.

I don't want to spend my life looking for something. I want to turn to the One who has and offers everything I could ever hope to find. That's freedom, and it's exactly what we have in our Father. His Spirit sets us free from the rat race of modern life. It's this freedom from worrying about having enough. It's freedom from worrying about what everyone thinks about us. It's freedom from chasing after so many things only to be disappointed. It's freedom to truly let go of everything and simply live life.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom. I personally don't want to spend the rest of my life worrying about things out of my control, building a selfish empire that means nothing, and hoarding up all this worldly stuff that will never bring me happiness. Now if you feel the same, then all of those things shouldn't be our goals. Material possessions, worldly acceptance, riches, fame, comfort, all of them should never be our priorities.

When we put God front and center of anything and everything we do then we will find freedom. All the things that once weighed heavy on our minds won't be there anymore. The worries and burdens will simply fade because we know that God will always be there, always take care of us, and always lead us to promises that we can't possibly imagine. There are no limits to who God is and what He can do. Now that definitely sounds like that kind of wide open freedom that we're all searching for!


  1. Amen.He is the way and the light. Jesus is the only way to Heaven and God is the only peace.


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