Day 2068 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 3:20 NIV

Freedom. We talked in our last post about the true and lasting kind of freedom that is found in our Lord. Every single one of us have lived life apart from Him so that we could fit this place better. And we all know what living like that has gotten us. Nothing but shame and regret, and well, those things suck! They definitely don't leave us feeling very free. Thankfully there is freedom like we talked about yesterday.

To me there's not many more powerful thoughts than the message of this verse. The fact that this isn't our home is another one of those seriously freeing thoughts that can't help but change things. It allows us to move past the barriers that society has set up to force everyone to blend in and do as we're told. It gives us the courage to leave the concerns about fitting in behind. And it lets us completely forget all the worries that come from worldly things.

I love knowing that this globe isn't the final destination. How could that promise not completely fill you with hope and excitement? The things that are broken and wrong around us will be dealt with one day. The hurting and pain that our loved ones face will be over at some point. All the pressures and stresses to be successful and important in the world's eyes will vanish. The divisions and hatred will disappear.

And we will be left with nothing but eternal, unending, unyielding peace and happiness. I wanted to share this one because it's truly one of those messages that I think we all need to hear and be reminded of often. We are just travelers, strangers in a strange land. So when we don't fit in, aren't accepted, are judged and ridiculed, and simply don't care about the foolish things that others care about, it's proof that we're headed for something more!

I know I say it a lot in these posts, but keep going. Don't worry about being different or feeling disconnected sometimes. Don't think there's something wrong when your priorities and values don't line up with this weird society that we're in at the moment. We're not built to fit in here because we're going to fit in some place that is much different than this world. Just stay focused on Christ and await His return. Man that's going to be something to see and experience! It will definitely make all the effort and determination worth it!


  1. This post, word by word, needs to be put on a billboard. You are sure a motivational speaker. Even more, you are a reassurance speaker. Thank you for speaking the words we all need to hear. You take a known verse and apply it universally to all of us and all circumstances. Appreciate this blog!

    1. Thank you guys! It's always weird to think that the things on my mind could be able to encourage or help someone else. Don't feel that important! But I truly appreciate you both reading them and all the support!!

  2. Amen. This is not where we came from and is not where we will stay. Keep our eyes on the the Lord.

    1. Amen, and thank you as always! Just passing through to something better!


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