Day 2069 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 21:30 NIV

It's all going to be okay. Actually, it's going to be even better than that! So often we judge outcomes by what we can see. We try to figure out what's going to happen based on our own imaginations. And boy do we cook up some wild ideas! But the fact is that God is and will always be in control. So it doesn't really matter what we face or what we think of it.

Look, nothing can change what God has planned. It's going to be what it's going to be. No amount of griping, figuring, planning, debating, or fighting will make any difference. His plans are His plans, and the best part is that His plans are always for the best. So considering that nothing can change His perfect plans, I think it's safe to say we have nothing to worry about!

That definitely doesn't stop us though. We have a bad habit of imagining the worst and getting ourselves all worked up over nothing. Doesn't make much sense considering nothing we've ever worried about ended up being as bad as we had it worked up to go. Instead of living in fear and doubt about the future, maybe we should simply chill out and watch what God has in store.

There's another side to this too. Nothing anyone else does to us can change what God has written for us. People try to poke and prod and instill their will in our lives. But again, doesn't really matter. He will always reign victorious! It all comes back to focusing on God and not giving anyone else the power to dictate our thoughts. If we're focused on Him and following His path for us then it doesn't matter what anyone else wants, His will will be done!

So stop the fretting. Stop imagining the worst. It's all going to be better than we can see it going. Might not be enjoyable the whole way there, but the end result will always be the same. God's plans will be fulfilled, and they will always be for our good. So sit back, relax, stop listening to the doubters, and stop doubting yourself. He's got this and He's got us. And even more, He will NEVER relinquish His control. So we have nothing to ever worry about!


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