Day 2070 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 6:34 NIV

Been thinking a lot about how much we tend to worry about things in life. We sit around and dread what tomorrow may bring. Eventually we can turn this beautiful journey into a trip through a haunted house with various terrors around every corner. So today I wanted to encourage everyone to slow down and start living a little more in the here and now.

We miss so many incredible things because our focus is on what comes next. Whether it's our goals that we're working toward or the inevitable changes that we dread coming, there is always something on our minds that keep us from enjoying the simple moments in between. And that really is a shame. Life isn't the big moments. Life's what happens in between them!

So while we're living in the future and trying to stay one step ahead, we're missing out on the life that we've been given now. We're so worried about the next day, the next week, or five years down the line that we skip this day that we've been given to experience. I don't know if we are anticipating things being better or what, but we still have to find a way to enjoy these moments now because we're not getting them back.

And I think that's really what is on my mind to share with you guys today. We're not getting these hours and minutes again. October 23rd of 2020 will never happen a second time. Now while it may not be the best day ever for some, it's still a day that the Lord has made and given us. It's still a chance to enjoy the little blessings in our lives. So don't rush through it. Don't skip over it by getting a head start on the next one.

Bottom line is that at some point the next one ain't coming. I know that's something that nobody really talks about, but it's the truth. So why spend today worrying about another day that may never come around? Why use all of our time today planning for things that may never happen? Why use today to try to figure out things that we can't control anyway? All just seems kind of silly when you stop and think about it.

If tomorrow comes, we'll figure it out as we go. If we get another week on this planet, then we're going to get it one day at a time. No point in rushing through it or missing any of these opportunities we have for anything. If we can learn to make the most of the here and now, then our lives will only be more full because of it. After all, we have so many blessings to experience and enjoy today. Ought to focus on squeezing all the good out of today that we can!


  1. Amen. Yesterday is gone, today is a gift and tomorrow isn't promised. Live the day that he gives us.

    1. Wow, that sums it up about as well as anything! Amen!!


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