Day 2071 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Lamentations 3:26 NIV

Seeing as how I'm a very laidback and simple person, I often find myself looking at the world around me and just not understanding how or why people make things so hard on themselves. Personally, I try to make my life as simple and uncomplicated as I can. And, for me at least, getting all worried and stressed out all the time only prevents me from doing that.

I guess I don't really understand the way that our world has made stress and worry a couple of our biggest hobbies. I know that I've been talking about this for a day or two now, but there's just no point in getting ourselves all worked up over things that we don't know. We don't know what's going to happen from one day to the next so I really don't see the point in fretting about what the future may hold.

Guys, God's got this. That seems to be a point that I like to share rather frequently, but it's the absolute truth. He will always take care of us. Look, He calls us His children. Parents have this love for their kids that nobody else can possibly understand until you're a parent yourself. They're literally willing to give everything to make their child's life better. And seeing as how He is God, there's nothing that He can't do for us.

I know that life is stressful. It's hard, and scary, and long, and too short, and complicated, and confusing. So it's only natural that we all feel the pressure of the unknowns and the fear of the things we can't control. But we can always keep our hearts trusting in God. We can always count on Him to be our healer, our defender, our teacher, our leader, our general, our counselor, our friend, our Father. He is everything to all people, and He simply won't let us down.

So instead of worrying all the time, just be patient. Instead of working yourself silly trying to force things to happen a certain way, trust that it's all going His way. Instead of living life controlled by the wild imaginations that lead us to fear, know that God will always be God and He will always be good. So it doesn't matter what tomorrow holds, because we know that God is already there. There's really no room for worry when you remember that He's bigger than anything up ahead!


  1. Amen. He already knows all our tomorrows. Good post, we can't serve worries and him both. Not meant to be that way.

    1. Thank you! And I really like that, can't serve worry and Him!


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