Day 2072 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Isaiah 26:3 NIV

Life can leave us feeling like we're at the mercy of our circumstances. We all face so many things, make so many mistakes, and get distracted in so many ways. Following the ways of those around us only leads us to confusion and disappointment. Thankfully, there is another choice. There is another path. And friends, it leads to this peace that transcends everything we will ever face in life.

Here's the secret. I'm gonna let you in on it. I'll break it down super easy and make it completely clear. God first! That's it. Put God first and keep Him there no matter what! We have to stop focusing on all these other things before God. We have to put Him first if we ever hope to find peace. That is honestly just the way that it is.

If we're busy with all this other stuff then how could we possibly think we're going to find peace? So many are trying to figure out how to fit in, how to be happy, how to stay comfortable, how to get rich, how to make others like them, how to stay in control, how to get their way, and all the other priorities of this world. With so many different things pulling in so many different directions, peace is impossible.

Peace comes when we find a single focus. When our minds are completely filled with something then nothing else will be able to distract us and lead us astray. The closer we grow toward Christ the weaker the pull of sin becomes. The more we fill our hearts, minds, and lives with God and His word the less room we have for the twisted stuff this world offers. The more we focus on Him the less attention we have to give the junk trying to distract us.

That's the promise of this verse. When our sole priority and focus is God then we've found that peace we're looking for. All of the other things that used to trip us up and drag us around simply lose their ability to affect us. More of Him and less of anything else. When that right there is our goal then we're truly on the path to finding a life that's more amazing than we can start to imagine!


  1. Amen. he should be first in our hearts, our minds, thoughts, everything.

    1. Absolutely! Anything else only sets us up to fall

  2. Thank you for this blog. This one I struggle with and I understand it more reading your explanation


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