Day 2075 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Hosea 13:6 NIV

Finished up Hosea last night and this one really stuck with me. Yesterday we talked a bit about pride and how nobody has any room to be arrogant in life. We're all too far from perfect to start acting like we've got our acts together. I honestly think that this one is one of those messages and lessons that really hits home for all of us.

It's amazing how fast we can take God's provision and spin in it such a way that we think we've managed to play a part. He provides everything that we need every single day. Now that's a truly amazing thing because we simply don't deserve any of it! However, it can be a bad thing when we've gotten everything we need and start thinking that we're the ones that have made it happen.

When life's going good and our paths are all smooth and calm it's easy to start thinking that we must be doing something right. It's easy to think that we have it all under control. And that right there is where pride starts growing and our reliance upon God starts getting overlooked. Definitely not a great direction to start walking!

We need Him more than we can possibly understand. All of the good things we have in life are from Him. All of the blessings that we take for granted are gifts that we do not deserve. We can't let the fact that we truly have it good become the basis to start thinking that we're better than we are. Pride leads to a downfall. But leaning on God only lifts us up higher than we can imagine going!

I wanted to encourage you guys to keep leaning on God. We don't ever need to get to the point where our pride tells us that we're good without Him. The moment we close ourselves off and shove Him to the side is the moment that we open ourselves up to all kinds of evil and darkness. Again, we need God more than we need anything else because He provides every good thing in our lives. Never forget that!


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