Day 2077 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Isaiah 5:20 NIV

Okay, wasn't going to go here but it's been on my mind for a couple of days. The Bible is extremely serious about certain things, and it's not all sunshine and happiness all the time. Sin is sin and there is no arguing or debating it. So I guess buckle up and enjoy this ride to truth town!

The other day I was working on my Bible post and I was trying to find a background picture as I always do. So I just typed in "pride" because that's what the verse and post were about. I guess I've disconnected just enough from the world around me that I forgot that the word "pride" has been I dare say highjacked. Long story short, my quick search for a picture took a very wrong turn that I didn't see coming.

The more I press into this faith, the more I find myself in shock at how our world has chosen to embrace sin. It's even celebrated. Now I'm not calling anyone out. That is not my place. I don't have any right to judge anyone else for their sins when I have plenty of my own that I'm working on. God is the only one that has any right to judge, and I ain't Him.

My point is that we can't live in a world that makes sin a pastime and expect things to get better. We just can't. We cannot embrace sin and expect this revival of faith and truth. Sin pulls us away from the truth. Sin pulls us into the darkness. And no amount of talking it up or making it sound better will ever make darkness become light. Nothing can make what is wrong become right. Nothing that is evil can become good. Facts are facts.

Our world has adopted this completely upside down view of what is right, what is good, what is acceptable. Society has taken it upon itself to redefine words to fit what they want them to mean in order to be comfortable in sin. That's the whole point. Sin is comfortable, or at least not addressing it is comfortable. People would rather think that what they're doing is okay than to have to be brutally honest and face the fact that they're wrong.

The bottom line is that the Bible makes the difference between light and dark pretty clear. We do not have the right to twist things around and put our own spin on them to convince ourselves that our sins are okay. Doing that will only allow sin to keep its control over us, and in turn, will hold us back from being better. When all is said and done, our views and distorted definitions of sin don't matter. God has the final say. So we may as well get used to living according to His truths, not our own.


  1. Absolutely. No changing things that are set. He is God above everything and his will be done.

    1. Amen, really well said! And we shouldn't want to change His way. They are and will always be the best for us!


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