Dat 2094 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Colossians 3:23 NIV

I was talking to my new friend from Australia yesterday and they were talking about being discouraged. They just started their Instagram account to start sharing some Bible verses and some of their faith-inspired artwork, but that they hadn't seemed to find very much interest. Been there. We feel it in our hearts to start something, try something, change something but don't get those instant results that we thought we'd get.

Discouragement is something that we bring on ourselves. We set these lofty goals and daydream of these perfect circumstances where everything goes better than we could imagine. We set ourselves up to be disappointed by assuming the best. That's not a bad thing. It's great to be an optimist and hope for the best. But we shouldn't build everything up to the point that it's impossible to be satisfied.

The truth is that many of the things that we feel are important or valuable just won't matter to some. So many people have so many different interests and priorities that they will probably never care about what matters to us. As for our faith, our faith is built upon truth. And the truth isn't as popular as it used to be, it never will be again. So we shouldn't expect a ton of support, interest, or positive feedback when it comes to sharing the Gospel. It's never going to be accepted by those who are fine living in sin.

What we need to always keep in mind is that we're not here to please others. We're not here to cater to the wants and desires of this world. We're not here to only share messages that the masses will approve of so that we can gain followers and earn the popularity that many crave. We're here to serve Christ. We're here to share His message of love and salvation. It really doesn't matter who doesn't like it. It doesn't matter if we get a bunch of likes. If we can help Him save one life then it's all more than worth it!

I just wanted to encourage you guys to keep trying. We all deal with being disappointed and feeling discouraged. But when we remember that we're working for something so much bigger than ourselves then our personal wants and desires don't matter as much anymore. If God has put it on your heart to do something then give it everything you have. Don't worry about the feedback from this world. Know that you're doing what He made you to do, and friends, that will always be more important any number of likes or followers!


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