Day 2081 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 103:19 NIV

Well, I reckon it's a rather big day for our country, and I've been thinking about this one for a few days. I actually woke up this morning with something completely different on my mind but I'll share that one tomorrow. For today, I think this one is just something that we all need to keep in mind considering what we're experiencing these days.

There hasn't really been an election like this one that I can personally remember. I guess with all the things going on in our world and all the things that we're facing people just seem to be taking it a little more seriously. There seems to be so many people that are interested this time around because of the truly polarizing topics and concerns that we're dealing with.

What I wanted to share is that no matter who wins this thing, Christ is still King. He is seated on the throne of Heaven and no matter what happens down here, that fact will never change. I pray that we don't get so used to worldly politics that we forget that we're here to serve Christ. He is bigger. His kingdom is bigger. His calling is bigger. His freedom is bigger. His way is bigger. And always will be.

What scares me is that so many are so consumed in the worldly side of everything that it's easy to forget that there's something bigger. Backing a candidate is fine. If that's what you're into, go wild! But what if we put that kind of passion into sharing the Gospel? What if we posted that often about why people should choose Christ? What if we shared the facts and truths of our faith as quickly as we toss out a jab at those who like the other party?

Guys, Christ is King forever. His heavenly kingdom will reign forever. So whether your party wins or your favorite candidate loses, remember that nothing has changed in His plans. The things that matter about our faith will still matter tomorrow. Treating others with kindness and respect will still matter. Sharing the truth of the Gospel with others, even those we disagree with, will still matter.

Please don't get that wrapped up in the blues, reds, democrats, republicans, poll numbers, voter turnouts, and all the other things that we're going to see and hear over the coming days and weeks. Like I said, nothing will change about the Gospel. Christ will still be on the throne no matter what. Never let anything become bigger or more important in your life than serving the one true King!


  1. Amen. Never put anything before God. He is our father, he is our everything and we shall put nothing above him. Plus why would we when he is the one that truly loves us.

    1. Perfectly summed up! No leader down here will ever love us like He does. Pretty easy to see why our loyalties lie with Him alone!


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