Day 2082 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 19:26 NIV

"Let's try the impossible because the possible just ain't working." I've always loved that quote and I woke up yesterday morning thinking about it. As often arrogant humans, we pretty much always try our way first. We see the trials and challenges in life and try to come up with every way possible to get through them. Over, under, around, this way, try that, maybe this will work, or even just turn and run away. We do everything we can think of, but at some point, what's possible just won't be enough.

Some of the battles we face in life seem completely impossible. They're just so much bigger, harder, and longer than what we have to give. They take everything we have, and many times, so much more. But no matter how impossible something may seem it never means that God can't get us through it. It never means that He can't lead us to something amazing anyway. It never means that His ultimate victory is changed.

So many things seem impossible because we try to make it through them alone. We lean completely on ourselves and what we are capable of doing. We look at a problem from every possible angle, and no matter what we come up with, it just never seems to be enough. That's because sometimes we don't have the strength or intelligence or ability to do it alone. Right there is why we need to drop the arrogance and remember that God isn't limited.

He isn't limited to what we think is possible. He's not limited to what our own strength or willpower can accomplish. He isn't limited by what others say is reasonable. He makes the lame walk, the deaf hear, and the dead open their eyes! So even if we're at the point where it feels like we have nothing left and all hope is rapidly fading, all we need is the breath of God to bring us back to life! He will do the impossible in our lives when our possible just ain't working.

Guys, no matter what you're facing, you will get through it. It may seem impossible. It may feel like it takes forever. It may be the hardest fight you've ever gone through. But if you continue to lean on God and trust Him to help make the impossible possible, then you will make it. All we can do is try. All we can do is trust. All we can do in any and every situation is lean on the promises and hope of our faith and believe that we are loved by a God who does the impossible every single day!
He will make a way!


  1. You know it is something to think about, even our best is not close to his less. He is greater than great and above all.


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