Day 2083 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 2:5 NIV

Scary right? The thought of having to learn something new, try something different, figure out a new plan, or look at something in a different way sends chills down the spines of anyone and everyone. And the thought of having to admit that we were wrong, well that’s just not happening! We are without a doubt creatures of comfort. We like easy. We crave normal. We enjoy routine. And above all we relish the thought that everything we do is okay. It’s easier that way.

As scary as they may be, changes are some of the most crucial things that we truly need in life. Repentance is the most important change we can ever make. What you're doing may be working. What if something else worked better? The way you're thinking may be good enough. What if seeing things differently opened you up to a life you didn't know was possible? Sure, living in sin is fun and extremely easy. What if walking away from the filth brought you a joy that you couldn't explain?

We need to stop seeing changes as these horrible experiences to have to endure. When we see anything like that then yeah, they're going to suck and we're probably going to quit. Approaching anything in life with a negative mindset instantly sets us up for failure. We're going to be looking for a way to escape from the beginning. And as soon as one thing goes wrong or we don't get the instant progress we want, then we're out!

Focus and determination are long-dead human traits. People want things now and when it doesn't happen that way they freak. It takes time. It takes work. It takes this brutal honesty that sees our flaws and fights to fix them. It takes the willpower to pick ourselves back up after we’ve stumbled yet again. If you've been making the same mistakes day after day for as long as you can remember then it's going to take some time and effort to learn new ways and start doing better. Sorry but that’s the way it is!

We need to address the sin in our lives. Don’t expect it to happen overnight. Stop expecting everything to be easy. If it was easy then everyone would do it. Why do you think it's such a big deal when someone makes a huge change in their life for the better? It's because it takes time, focus, and an effort that is truly rare in our world. Be the kind of person that's willing to do what it takes to make the changes that make you a better person. There are plenty of people who won't. Why be like everyone else and simply exist in something less than the better life God created you to live?

You can change. We all can. The bad choices, the rampant sin, the frustrating weaknesses, they don't have to control our lives. We have it inside of us to stand up to anything and say that it's not going to beat us. You have that in you! It will take time. It will take work. It will take focus. And it will make you better! If you're willing to stick with it, be patient, and never give up then you will be amazed at what you can fix and improve in your life. God made us so much stronger than we know. It's just that we've sadly forgotten how to do it while following the easy road that everyone else takes. Again, be different!


  1. Yes it is scary. There will not be a second chance when that day comes. Give our hearts to God, live the way he has planned for us and our home in Heaven.

    1. Amen! Makes it far less scary to change when you think about the consequences of not doing it! Plus there's no reason to miss out on the reward that waits for us!


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