Day 2084 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 John 1:9 NIV

Our world likes to water things down and spin them in a way that makes everything seem alright. I guess people figure that if they can somehow make their bad choices seem okay then they don't have to feel bad about them. That's a fine idea but it doesn't work. No amount of figuring or pleading or convincing can turn darkness into light. There is no way to take something that is wrong and make it okay.

The cold hard truth is that sin is poison. It kills. Slowly, painlessly, quietly. It sits in our hearts and minds eating away little by little until it has completely consumed us. Sin wants us to think that it's okay because that's how it does the most damage. If we can be convinced that it's perfectly okay, a little won't hurt, or that sin doesn't even exist, then we're caught. We're trapped in the lies and headed for a life of confusion.

Like I said yesterday, nobody likes admitting they screwed up. It's embarrassing. It's humiliating. It's humbling. It's scary because it shows that we're not perfect, that we have weaknesses. And in this place, imperfections and weaknesses are not acceptable. But we have to stop worrying about what everyone else may think and concern ourselves only with what God thinks. And He thinks sin is wrong. So it's just wrong.

Thankfully, there is healing. There is hope. There is renewal. He can help us get back everything that sin has taken. But only when we confess our sins. Only when we admit our mistakes can He help us fix them. They say that the first step in fixing a problem is admitting there's a problem. Kind of makes sense because we're not going to try and fix what isn't broken. Fact is that we're all broken and in serious need of fixing!

Let Him help. That's what He wants to do. He wants us to be free. He wants us to be better. He wants us to be happy. Why wouldn't we want the same for ourselves? Yeah, it hurts to admit we're wrong, but pain is an excellent teacher. Friends, sin doesn't have to own us anymore. There is healing. There is freedom. But it's only found in opening up, being honest, asking for forgiveness, and letting the past mistakes go.

Sure, we can keep coming up with ways to make our mistakes seem alright. We can sit around all day brainstorming ways to justify our mistakes. Or we can simply let go. We can move on. We can skip all of that foolish and pointless work of covering things up and simply stop doing what we know is wrong. Sounds so much easier, and far more freeing. Take Him up on this offer. It will change your life forever!


  1. Good message. Nothing we have done can keep him from loving us. Let it go and give him your life.

    1. Thank you and amen! It's a freedom like no other!


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