Day 2085 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.
James 1:20 NIV
Well, I guess it was inevitable. I’m sort of ashamed that I’m going here. I mean, it’s what everyone else everywhere is talking about. I really didn’t want to add one more post like this to the endless supply already out there. But here we go. Here’s my one political post.
Politics suck! They’re a waste of time. They’re a waste of energy. They’re nothing but the adult version of picking teams at recess. A bunch of people choosing sides and instantly resorting to hating anyone and everyone on the other team. It’s absolutely pathetic! I completely, totally, thoroughly, utterly despise politics because it seems to do nothing but bring out anger and frustration in everyone involved. There. There’s my post about politics!
I’ve seen friend attacking friend. Family jabbing at family. Relationships undoubtedly strained. Words said that had no business being said. Messages being shared only to hurt those who don’t agree. So much anger. So much resentment. So much division. Please, I’m begging you please, tell me where any of that helps anyone whatsoever. Tell me how lowering ourselves to sharing hateful and divisive messages helps us love those around us. Tell me how we’re making a difference by cursing, yelling, throwing stones, and getting all bent out of shape over something that we can’t possibly control.
Here’s a wacky idea for you: instead of reading through social media posts, read the Bible! Instead of thinking of some witty comeback to jab someone with, pray for them! We only have so much time in any given day. It’s up to you how you use it. You can be one more faceless comment adding to the distasteful discourse on the internet. Or you can use the same amount of time and energy to reach out as ask someone how they’re doing. You can spend five minutes reading the comment section looking to be offended. Or you can use those five minutes to read some Scripture and look for wisdom.
It’s impossible to grow closer to God while diving into every worldly topic and outrage we can find. It’s impossible to keep our eyes fixed on Christ when we’re easily distracted by other rubbish. It’s impossible to do our job of loving others unconditionally when they have to say and do everything right and agree with everything we think to earn our love. It’s impossible to share the Gospel when we’re busy sharing our opinions.
Guys, I get it. Four years is a long time. And the concern over who will lead our nation over those four years is big. Know what’s bigger? Eternity. Know what’s more important? A relationship with the leader of our lives. Spend all the time you want getting sucked into political junk. That’s your call. I would simply like to encourage everyone to maybe be a little more worried about what your eternity looks like rather than the next four years. Please don’t put your faith aside for anything, let alone this human game of politics where no one wins and everyone gets upset.
Not worth it. God wins just in case there was any doubt. And he will always be the best leader.
ReplyDeleteAmen! I just don't see the point in getting so wrapped up in worldly games. I will never understand it.