Day 2086 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 12:18 NIV

Well, I think most of us could agree that this is a lesson that our world could use pretty badly at the moment. While so many are being pulled into foolish arguments and petty disagreements, we need to remember that we have a responsibility to be good to everyone. And in a society where so many lines are being drawn, it's imperative to remember that love is supposed to cross those lines and bridges those gaps.

Our world tells us to be kind to those who are kind to us. But if we only respect those who believe what we believe then we're missing out on a massive chance to actually live out the message of the Gospel. We're sharing a completely different story than what the cross tells us. Christ died for everyone. He did it for those who loved Him and trusted Him. He died for those who believed in His message. He died for the ones that chose to leave the ways of the world behind and follow Him.

But He also died for those who still curse His name. He died for the ones that refuse to believe in Him. He gave up His life for those will will never open their hearts and accept His gift of salvation. He gave Himself for every person. That's the kind of love that you and I are called to have as well. Not only saved for those that we agree with. Not only given to those that look, act, or speak like us. Everyone.

God did not create us to lose ourselves in this world. He didn't put all of that time and energy into us only for us to choose to pick up the ways of the world over His calling. Guys, I don't care what the world is doing right now. I don't care how many people are good with yelling and screaming at those with different points of view. It simply does not matter and will never change the fact that we're called to be kind to everyone.

It's way past time to put our differences aside and stop using them as reasons to hate one another. People will always be different. There will always be folks that we don't see eye-to-eye with. And that's okay. What isn't okay is using that as an excuse to hate. It will never give us the right to pick and choose who we're kind to. Love, respect, honor, decency, compassion, understanding, all of those things have the power to break down walls and bring people together. And they're exactly what our world needs right now.


  1. Very good message. Jesus life is a lesson for all of us. He came and he loved and he saved. Never did he hate so we shouldn't either.

    1. Amen!! We should be focused on being like Him, not like everyone else. There's a reason His message of love and kindness is still so powerful!


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