Day 2087 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 6:10 NIV

We need strong people in our world. No, not the ones who can lift cars and tear phonebooks in half. Don't get me wrong, those guys are cool too (I'm seriously pulling for Brian Shaw to win his 5th World's Strongest Man title), but that's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is the people who are so solid in their faith that none of this insanity around us can shake them. We need the kind of people who stand strong and keep sharing the truth of the Gospel.

Far too many people are all bendy and moldable. They're all too willing to do or say what others around them tell to all in order to be liked and accepted. I'm not putting those kind of people down because that isn't my place. I'm only saying that we need folks who have the courage to stick to their faith and refuse to budge for anything or anyone.

There's a lot going on in our world. Everyone knows that. Everyone is well aware of the constant upheaval around us. That's exactly why our faith and the message of the Gospel is more important than ever. It's always been crucial because of the life-changing power and healing it brings. But with so many people hurting, confused, scared, and looking for some semblance of hope, we have the light that will send all the darkness running.

Please don't run from the truth that you know. Don't sugarcoat it for those who are comfortable living in sin and being a part of the problems we're facing. Stand up. Stand strong. Lean on God because we all know He ain't moving. Whatever it takes just be the kind of person that's willing to stand in the gap and be the beacon of hope that He created us to be.

It's amazing to think that we could possibly make some sort of a difference in this world. Most days it seems like the odds are heavily stacked against morality and decency. And the bad stuff keeps on pounding. But we have a foundation in God that is strong enough to weather the storm. Don't run from the opportunities He gives you to share His message. People need to hear to it because it's the only thing that can save lives and turn things around down here!


  1. He will give us all the tools we need. But please do not stray from him.

    1. Amen! If we wander off then we're definitely going to suffer for it!


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