Day 2089 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Romans 8:37 NIV

Overcome. Defeat. Take control. Climb. Win. God made us to be champions in this life. Sadly we've accepted this defeatist mindset because we've lost some battles along the way. Truth is that it doesn't matter how many battles you may lose. You can always win the war. You can always claim the ultimate victory over whatever you may face in your life. So stop running scared and stand and fight!

It's a weird thing how life's hard days work differently for some than others. For some they beat them down and get the better of them. They manage to convince some people that they're not good enough, strong enough, or tough enough to make it. They cause some to quit and never realize their full potential. They lead some to a life of shame a regret over what could have been.

But for others, those same hard days forge them. They harden them. They turn them into some true warriors who will fight to the end because they know that it's worth it. Even if the end result isn't exactly what they imagined, it's worth the fight because it's better knowing you tried. Even if they fail at least they know they laid everything they had on the line and can be satisfied in knowing they have nothing to regret.

Friends, I don't know what's on your plate. Don't know what you're going through. But I wanted to remind you of the truth of this verse in Romans. You are more than good enough to make it. You are more resilient than you know. It may not make it easier, probably won't. But something about knowing that God didn't create us to simply watch us fall apart is pretty powerful!

So face whatever is ahead knowing that you can make it. God did not bring you this far to leave you stranded and relying on your own strength. He doesn't work like that. He is with us. He is always working to make a way and guide us through the challenges we face in life. He loves us and really does want the best for us. That right there is all we need to keep fighting. Knowing that He's behind us and will keep fighting for us is more than enough encouragement to keep going!


  1. We have no idea of our abilities, our strength and how much we have. But God does and we can trust that he will never take us past what we are able to do. Very good post.

    1. Thank you! He is the only one that knows how to get the very best out of us, and thankfully, He always will if we just let Him.


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