Day 2090 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Samuel 16:7 NIV

God doesn't look at us like the world does. He doesn't worry about the physical side of things. He doesn't prefer the strong. He doesn't seek only the beautiful. He doesn't care who is wealthy or powerful. He doesn't look for the things that this world has deemed to be important. Instead, He chooses to look at the things that actually matter.

He sees the heart that's willing to follow Him. He sees the person that's strong enough to try and fight the good fight every single day, even if they lose some here and there. He seeks out the one that is courageous enough to believe in His Son Jesus Christ. He rewards those who strive to be better and leave the broken ways of the world behind.

In short, He sees something inside each of us that we may have never seen for ourselves. We've gotten used to the whims and ways of this world. We've been taught to look in the mirror and see only the flaws because that's what everyone else seems to point out about us. We've allowed ourselves to believe the lies that we've been told about how we're not worthy, not enough, and will never amount to anything.

Friends, please start listening to God more than the world around you. Stop worrying about what everyone else worries about. God doesn't care if you're imperfect because all of us are. He only knows that we can be so much more than just another face in the crowd. After all, He created us so He knows exactly what we have inside of us. And you better believe that He can bring out the very best in us if we just allow Him to do so.

Just in case you've forgotten, you are good enough. You are worthy of love. You are worthy of respect. You are strong enough to be something that you never imagined possible. You were created to be a part of something so much bigger than you can fathom. Always remember that God sees not only who you are but who you can be. That's pretty exciting if you ask me!


  1. Very good post. We are exactly as he made us to be. We can trust him, walk with Jesus and know that he knows our hearts.

    1. Amen! No reason to change for anyone or anything. When we're good with being who He made us to be then life will be much more peaceful!


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