Day 2091 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Micah 7:7 NIV

I was reading through Micah chapters 4 and 5 last night and the whole time I couldn't help but see the similarities in our world today. They're talking about the future salvation, redemption, and restoration of God's people. But they also talk about the challenges that will come before then. They discuss the coming exile and the rough times that lie ahead that the people will experience. But it all comes back around to continuing to trust in God's plans and timing.

Being patient is one of the big lessons that I've taken away from this past year. It's one thing to be patient and keep trusting when life is going smoothly. But as we've all noticed over these past several months, life isn't always smooth and easy. In fact it's often hard, painful, confusing, scary, and more than we think we can handle. And we all want those hard days to hurry up and be over with. But what if we'd miss out on learning something or growing in our faith by wishing those rough times away?

If we can manage to find a way to trust in God even when what's ahead seems bigger and scarier than we're ready for then we really can find peace in life. Life isn't going to stop throwing us curveballs. It won't stop bringing things that we're simply not ready for. But through the tears and frustration and helpless feelings I promise that God is still in control!

We have to learn to stop seeing the problems and instead fix our eyes on our Father. You see, the problems will be there either way. We can either let them bring us down and lead us into anger and doubt or we can use them to push us closer to God and help us learn to trust in Him more than ever. If we let our storms instill doubt in God, then we'll stop leaning on Him. We'll stop praying because we don't know if He listens or cares. Doubt will ruin things if we let it. So just don't let it happen!

Guys, God does hear your prayers. He does know the things that you're feeling. He knows that we struggle and hurt and need Him. He knows that we are impatient and want the hard days over as fast as possible. But He also knows that His plans are for our good and He's willing to lead us through the hard times in order to make us better. Trust in that. Don't worry about the hurdles along the way. Trust that He does know best. Trust that He will help us see the reasons and lessons if we keep our eyes on Him.

Always hold on to the hope that you have in God. It will never let you down! That hope brings peace. It helps us see through the trials we face to the lessons and growth that are hidden within them. Do not give the hard days the right to bring you down. And never allow them to make you question God's plans and timing. They don't deserve the right to make you doubt in His promises!


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