Day 2092 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 105:5 NIV

So the other day I got this random message from someone on Instagram that had found my Bible verse page over where I share all of these verses everyday. Dude's in Australia!! I never would have imagined that a seven day challenge to share a Bible verse each day would one day give me the chance to make a new friend on the other side of the world! It's beyond amazing how God works!

I've been talking to this guy for three or four days now, and yesterday he asked, "How has God helped you this year?" I've been thinking about that since he sent the message, and honestly, that's a question that none of us consider enough. That's definitely going to be a long message back! But it also gave me an idea for today's post. Yesterday we talked about having to be patient and wait for God's plans to be fulfilled in God's timing. And the vast majority of us struggle being patient!

While we're waiting to see how He's going to get us through this situation or bring good from this trial that we're in, why not us that time to reflect on everything He's done for us lately? Instead of letting our minds run wild with doubt and fear, taking that time to remember God's faithfulness will only help us remember why we can and should trust in Him.

Maybe God has you in a season of waiting at the moment. Perhaps you're facing a battle that you wish was over and behind you already. If that's the case, don't keep staring and the challenge you're in. Don't keep thinking about how miserable it is or how long it's taking. Use that time to think back on some of the blessings that God has sent you recently. Take some time to look back at some of the other rough times that God has gotten you through.

As I say all the time in these posts, life is all about perspective. We can sit around imagining the worst. We can come up with every possible way something won't work out. We can start doubting if God is still there, still listening, still caring. But all of those things only pull us further away from Him. Don't do that to yourself! Think about the good. Focus on the promises that God's already fulfilled in your life. Think back on all those battles behind you and how He got you through those. He will do the same this time!

And I think it's a perfect thing for all of us to spend a little time thinking about with 2020 being as bumpy as it's been. So let me ask you, how had God helped you this year?


  1. Patience. A coming of age that no matter what is going on that he is always there. I have never been nor will I ever be alone and there is nothing to fear. A steady peace and hope.

    1. Amen, I really like how you summed it up! It really is peaceful knowing that He's always there with us no matter what we're dealing with. A truly amazing kind of hope!


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