Day 2095 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

John 15:4 NIV

We all want to feel like we're doing something worthwhile. We want to feel like we're having an impact and making a positive difference in the lives of those around us. Or I guess at least some of us feel that way. But often times we go about it all wrong. We try to make a difference while still trying to be like the world around us. The more we focus on fitting in the less of a chance we have to be different. Kind of only stands to reason!

As I've talked about in a ton of posts in the past, God gives us countless chances to make an impact for Him and His kingdom. He opens doors that we could never even hope of finding on our own. He leads us to people who need to hear His message of love and salvation. He puts us in just the right place at just the right time to make a difference, a difference that could potentially change a life!

But if we're busy doing other things and distracted by the expectations of this world then we're going to miss those opportunities. We can't have the impact that He made us to have if we're not focused on Him. We have to remain as close to Him as we can possibly be if we hope to do anything that truly makes a difference. You can't make a difference if you're doing what everyone else is doing.

He will always be with us, but it's on us to commit ourselves to remaining in Him and not getting lost in the world around us. The closer we get to Him the more of an impact we're going to have. Just look at the state of the world these days. Faith is an afterthought for many. Sin is celebrated. Anger and division run rampant. The world has drifted so far away from God that it's truly scary. So it's no wonder that good deeds are such a rarity. We've forgotten to live for God and just started living for ourselves.

Friends, stay focused on God. Please. Our world desperately needs people who are willing to be different. We need people who are brave enough to stand up for their faith. We need the weirdos that are good with walking outside of the norms and living for a different purpose. Be that kind of person. Remain close to God and know that He is always with you. When you're focused on Him there's no way you can miss the chances that He gives you to have a massive impact in the lives of those around you.


  1. So true. With him we have everything and without him we have nothing. Grow with him,


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