Day 2096 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 19:20 NIV

Truth is that we need God to help lead us in the right direction because let's be honest, we're seriously bad at finding it on our own! The problem is that His lessons and guidance can sometimes feel like we’re being punished. We like the easy way, the path of least resistance, but God wants better for us than that. He’s willing to lead us to challenges if they make us better. He’s willing to teach us the lessons that help us grow, whether or not like them or think we need them.

I know it's a massive hit to our egos but the fact is that we're nowhere near as smart or strong as we like to convince ourselves. We don't have everything figured out. We rarely know what's best. We have a horrible habit of picking the worst possible option. We allow our pride to keep us from admitting our mistakes. And it often just hurts too much to even entertain the idea that we're just plain wrong.

But it's okay. It's okay to get things wrong as long as we learn from it. It’s okay to endure challenges in life if they help us grow. Life takes a whole lot of humility, but if we can muster that then there's no limit to the amount of growth that we can experience. It's fun to think that we have everything figured out and under control, but it's far more enjoyable to actually learn and grow into something better than we've ever imagined before.

Folks, God is the best teacher we could ever hope for in life. He knows the best way. He knows the right paths. He knows how to fix everything we've messed up. He knows how to heal us and rebuild us into something bigger and better than we will ever manage to be on our own. He knows how to get us to the plans and promises that He has for us. And the best part is that He truly loves us and wants nothing but the absolute best for us.

As this verse is teaching us, being humble and listening and learning only help us. Thinking we already know everything there is to know only shuts us off to learning even more. We have to keep our minds and hearts open to the lessons that God is trying to help us learn. He sees what we can become and He wants to help us grow into the best versions of ourselves. Can't do it if we convince ourselves that we're already there!


  1. Very good post. Hard to learn when we think we do not need to. We have alot of ground to cover so do it with our Savior and Father.

    1. Amen! He will take us far beyond what we're capable of on our own!


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