Day 2098 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Galatians 1:10 NIV

Today's post is a simple reminder that you have nothing to prove. So many of us go through life thinking that we need to earn the approval and acceptance of everyone around us. In doing so, we can easily start putting their expectations above God's. And no matter how important or powerful they may be, their opinion of us will never matter as much as God's does!

It's like this world has developed some kind of weird test that everyone has to pass. So many lofty expectations. You have to look a certain way, dress a certain way, act, speak, and live a certain way in order to gain value. And if you don't check off every single box then you're cast aside and forgotten. It's a truly sad state of affairs that we've created down here!

Nobody wants to feel like an outcast. Nobody wants to feel like a weirdo that doesn't fit in. But we need to remember that we never will. We will never be the ones forgotten or overlooked. We'll never be the ones that didn't hit the right marks or bring all the perfect things to the table. Christ died for you and me. He carried our sins and shame to the cross and set us free. If that doesn't tell you that you are chosen and accepted as you are then nothing will.

I pray that everyone stops living according to the wants and desires of this broken world. We don't want to fit in with this place! Take a look around at everyone that is going on and ask yourself if that's truly the gang you want to run with. Not me! I am beyond proud to be a part of something far bigger. I'm excited to live for a King that knows my name, healed my soul, and gave Himself so that I could be set free from the twisted way things are done around here.

Again, just know that you have nothing to prove. You can spend your entire life breaking yourself to earn the approval of man, or you can simply realize that you have already been accepted and loved by God. Living our lives to please others just so they might like us kind of seems like a serious waste of time and just a sad way to live when it's simply not necessary.

If people don't like you for who you are then why does their opinion mean so much that you're willing to change who God made you to be? We need to stop spending our time trying to cater to the wants of those around us so that we can use that time to serve the One that already loves us enough to die for us. You want to be a part of something? Realize that God loves you as you are and help others see that too!


  1. Good message. We were not created from this world, we are not to be of this world either. We are so much more, children of God. Jesus died to save us. Live our lives for him.

    1. Amen! And nice work, you managed to combine a ton of my favorite thoughts and ideas in one post! Why not be different and live for more when we have the opportunity to?


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