Day 2099 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Corinthians 11:28 NIV

Okay, so this one is different. I was walking down the hallway just now and the word 'introspective' popped in my head. Definitely not a word that I use or think of very much, if at all. Then I sat down to check my email and I had one about this new Christian artist who has a new album coming out called Introspections. For that obscure word to pop up out of nowhere twice is seriously pretty weird!

But then it got me to thinking about how important introspection really is. We need to keep track of where we and who we're becoming. So many of us just get busy rushing through life and may never take a second just to reflect on us. We don't consider that we may be forming some bad habits or picking up some of the foolish ways of the world around us. We often don't realize that there's an issue until it has grown into a massive problem.

So we need to make sure to take a little bit of time and simply take stock of where we are. We need to evaluate our thoughts and actions and make sure that they're making us better and not pulling us in a direction we don't want to go. We need to make sure that the choices we're making are helping us improve and move toward the goals that we have. We have to ensure that our priorities are still in line and not getting all jumbled up.

We simply need to stop every now and then and see what's going on. Check in with yourself and see if there's anything that needs work or changing. Odds are that there is. We all have things that we can fix and improve. We all have bad habits that we can work to break and leave behind us. But if we're solely focused on rushing through life and keeping up with the world then we may never realize that we're struggling. And if we don't notice the issues then we can't start working on them.

Guys, God gave us minds. He gave us souls. He gave us this innate power to reflect on ourselves and our walk with Him so that we can do better. I know that it usually seems easier to just keep going and hope that everything is just fine behind the scenes. But why not make sure? Why not take a little bit of time and double check? Like I said, we just might discover some issues, weaknesses, or bad habits that we can fix. Now while it may be humbling to notice and admit our flaws, it can also help make us better. And that's kind of the whole point!


  1. Amen. A check up for our soul.

    1. Exactly! Hard to know what to work on if we don't look.


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