Day 2100 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Luke 17:17-18 NIV

I saw someone share this passage earlier today and it's just too good of a message to not share! It's the story of Jesus healing the ten lepers who were waiting for Him as He travelled between Samaria to Galilee. He sent them to the priests to show that He had cleansed them, but only one of the men turned back and thanked Him for His mercy and healing.

How often are we the other nine? How many times does God answer that prayer only for us to move right along without saying anything? How often does God send healing and forgiveness that we never thank Him for? How many of His countless blessings do we simply take for granted and never even acknowledge?

We need to stop overlooking His mercy and kindness in our lives. We're all those lepers in need of cleansing. We're those lost sheep praying to be found so we can get back home. We're the woman who has been suffering for years just hoping to be healed. We're the worst of the worst, the sinners who have forsaken God's law and all basic forms of goodness. And He heals, forgives, loves, and blesses each of us countless times in our lives.

It's time that we remember to be thankful. This week we celebrate Thanksgiving, the day that we take some time to rejoice over the amazing gifts in our lives. And man do we have a bunch of them! We all have so many things to be thankful for in our lives. Yes, even in a year where so much has gone wrong and been difficult and upsetting. We still have countless blessings, more than we even realize or remember!

Stop forgetting God when He's given you what you asked for. Stop using Him like some miracle pill that you take when things hurt and forget about when you're okay. We could spend our entire lives saying thank you and praising His name and it wouldn't come close to repaying everything that He's given and done for us.

Thankfulness isn't just something we think of from time to time. It should be part of how we live every single day. If you woke up this morning then you have something to be thankful for. Don't forget to say thank you to the One that gave you this new day!


  1. Amen. I said today that Thanksgiving was never some big holiday for me. I am thankful for everyday and every meal and every breath that I am given. Thank you Jesus, thank you Father.

    1. Amen!! I never really got excited about Thanksgiving. Maybe because Christmas was on the way or always having to eat the same kind of food. But it should be more than a holiday. When it's a way of life then everything will just be more incredible!


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