Day 2101 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ecclesiastes 4:10 NIV

As you probably know, this week we celebrate Thanksgiving. Now in my opinion being thankful has always been more than a single holiday in November. We should be thankful every single day for all of the gifts we've been given in life. I think that's true this year as much as ever before. We've all faced so many changes and challenges and it's crucial to remember that we have plenty to be thankful for even in the midst of so much chaos.

So this week I'm going to take each day and post about just a few of the things that we have to celebrate. Today is all about those people that God puts in our lives for us to lean on. Let's face it, no matter how strong or independent we think we are, we all need others. We all need people to talk to, to get advice from, and to help us grow and improve ourselves. Thankfully God knows that too!

So He places our friends and family in our lives to help us along this journey of life. He gives us people who love us and care about us. He sends people who have faced life and many of it's trials and tribulations so that they can help us go through something similar. And He sends those storms over our horizons to help us learn and grow so that we can help others one day.

We should be seriously thankful for everyone that we're lucky to call friend or family. We don't have to be surrounded by a thousand people who know us or anything like that. If we have just one or two good people who truly only want the best for us and are willing to walk along side us then we've got it made! Friendship has sadly become a numbers game in our modern world. But it's one of the best examples of quality over quantity.

For this first day of Thanksgiving week I'm thankful for the people around me. I know that life wouldn't be anywhere near as great without them, and in fact it would be much harder! We can't allow ourselves to take them for granted. To have someone to lean on when we're struggling means more than we often realize. Never ignore the people God has placed in your life, they're some of those massive blessings that we don't deserve!


  1. True. Being alone in this world would be much harder. We should always be willing the be the one that helps another up. Jesus did it for us.

    1. Amen, and exactly! We'd hope someone would be there for us so it's only right to be there for them. All in this together!


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