Day 2103 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Proverbs 13:4 NIV

Today I'm thankful to know the value of working for something. In such a highly entitled generation, hard work and personally achieving something isn't all that popular. People just want things. They want to get their way. They want to have all the wealth and possessions they desire. They want to be liked and respected. But not many are willing to work for things anymore.

The amount of entitlement in our world today is disgusting. It was different when I was growing up. We were taught that if you wanted something bad enough then you'd be willing to work for it. If you wanted to change something then you'd fight to get it done. If you wanted to be respected by others then you worked to earn that respect and you also showed it in return.

That's all been lost somewhere along the way. Nowadays people are just focused on what they want, but they ignore the work part. They don't want to have to sweat to earn anything. But I will tell you from personal experience that something that you've worked for and earned is far sweeter than something you're simply given. Being handed something satisfies us for a moment, but then we're right back searching for the next thing we want to keep that satisfaction going.

But when you work for something and finally earn it the sense of pride and accomplishment are something that last much longer. We can't afford to lose the importance of hard work. We can't allow ourselves to live in a place of constant want without the willingness to earn something. Life just doesn't work like that. And that's the lesson that we find in this verse from Proverbs. Wanting will never be good enough. We have to actually get our hands dirty and make it happen.

I understand that hard work takes time. It's takes effort, energy, determination, and perseverance. But it's worth it! We grow because of the process. It's not all about getting what we want in life. What matters more is figuring out just how much we want it. In the end, if something means enough to us then it's worth the fight to get there. Don't miss the growth and lessons that are to be found in fighting for something. They're worth more than just getting what you want! 


  1. Good post. We aren't owed anything but instead God gives us all we need. But we shouldn't set around expecting things we have a job to do and only a certain amount of time to do it.

    1. Thank you! It always makes it more meaningful when you work for it! And when you know what's on the line, then yeah, can't risk leaving it undone.


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