Day 2104 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Mark 16:15 NIV

Today I'm thankful to be able to do this. Being able to share the Gospel, reflect on the truths in God's word, and connect with fellow believers around the world. I think in our modern world we take all of these instant connections for granted. We're able to talk to people that we will never ever meet face to face. That kind of opportunity is seriously huge, and definitely something to be thankful for!

Think back about the people that heard this message first-hand. To "go into all the world" meant a lot of work. It meant a lot of time. They couldn't jump on Facebook and share a Bible verse. They couldn't send someone a text asking if they could pray with them. They didn't get the chance to tell someone in Alaska about who Jesus Christ is. They had to walk, ride, or travel massive distances just to meet someone else.

But we can do it instantly. We have opportunities that those people back then would never have imagined. A week or so ago I talked about this person down in Australia that had found my page and how we got to talking to one another. Never been to Australia, probably never will. But I've talked to someone about the Gospel, Christ, the hope and healing of the Bible, and so many other things about faith. What an awesome opportunity!

Today going into all the world is as easy as firing up the laptop or grabbing your cell phone. I'm not huge on all this technology stuff. I don't think we need self-driving cars or the ability to check emails on a wristwatch. But being able to share things with others who aren't close to us is pretty cool. Being able to spread this message of love and salvation with people who don't even speak the same language as we do is amazing!

So today, I'm thankful that I get to do this. I'm thankful for the opportunity to study God's word and share His messages from the Bible with people I don't even know. And I'm truly thankful for everyone who takes the time to read these often insanely long posts! Pretty cool to think about all that God can do and how far His reach is. And to be a tiny little part of it is one of the most amazing feelings there is!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, hope you all have had an amazing day!


  1. It really is. I am not that big on Thanksgiving as in turkey and football. But I am thankful and we should be thankful every day. And this post shows one readon to be thankful. We can be the ones reaching someone, praying for someone and meeting friends that we will never know. Amen.

    1. I'm with you! Used to love football but we know how that went! There are so many other things that are just bigger and more meaningful anyway. Always something to be thankful for!


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