Day 2105 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV

Today I'm thankful that we're following a God that doesn't get surprised by life. We often do. This year is about the best example of that that I can think of. Uncertainty, doubt, worry, confusion, misunderstandings, all of them are part of life. But God doesn't deal with those things. He knows what's up ahead and He's already ready for it. So what do we have to worry about?

I think so many of us try to stay one step ahead of life. We want our ducks in a row before we know how many ducks we have to line up. We want everything organized, planned, and scheduled so that we know what to expect. We think that knowing what comes next is how we find peace in life. But peace isn't about knowing what the future is going to be like. Peace is knowing that the future is in God's hands no matter how it turns out.

The main thing that we need to always keep in mind is that God's with us. We might be facing something difficult but He's there for us to lean on. We might feel like we're in this fight all alone but that will never be the case. We may not understand anything that's happening but He does. We don't need to worry about life. We don't need to have everything figured out. We don't need this perfect battle plan that will get us through the coming days and weeks unscathed.

We only need to trust God. When our focus is on Him then none of the things we face in life will ever be able to convince us that we need to worry. Like I said, He already sees what comes next so why spend your time worrying about what He's already figured out? Seems like a pretty big waste of time if you ask me. I think that time would be better spent simply believing in Him and trusting in His plans.

There's this really profound peace in knowing that the Creator of everything has our back. We might not understand His ways or be able to figure out His plans ahead of time. But being able to trust that the rest of His story for us is only for our good makes peace so much easier to find. Don't let life keep you cowering in fear and doubt. God's with you, always will be, and He knows what tomorrow will bring. Just live the journey!


  1. Thank you Father.Thank you that the road ahead of us has already been laid out. Have faith and walk with Jesus.

    1. Amen! He knows all the curves, twists, and turns. And as long as we're following Him we will never get lost!


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