Day 2106 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Philippians 4:19 NIV

There is a huge difference between what we want and what we need. Our wants come from this place of selfishness. They're the product of thinking that having certain things or getting things our way will lead us to happiness. But in truth, joy is not found in having everything we want in life. It's only found when we realize that God has always made sure we have everything we need.

The problem with focusing too much on what we want is that it will inevitably lead us to disappointment and possibly even anger when it doesn't turn out that way. We should all be well aware of the fact that life doesn't go how we want it to go. We don't always get what we want. But that should never lead us to being upset or frustrated. Getting upset whenever we don't get what we want can easily turn into doubting God's faithfulness.

That's definitely not a place we ever want to go. The fact is that God is more faithful than we can comprehend. He has always provided for our every need. He's always made sure that we're taken care of. In fact, He continues to do more for us than we even know or understand. So we can and should always lean on His faithfulness to His promises like this one in Philippians.

We need to stop worrying about the things we want so much. If it turns out that we get them, great! If it doesn't, we'll still be just fine. We have to understand that having our needs met and taken care of will always be exponentially more important than having all the things we want. The stuff we want usually ends up being pretty silly and petty. And in all honesty, we can get by more than fine without most of it.

Realizing just how good God has been and continues to be to us really puts all of this in perspective. Have we always gotten everything we ever wanted? No. But have we also gotten some amazing gifts that we never would have imagine? Absolutely! We will never get everything we want, but God will always make sure we have what we need. That's a promise we can always rely on, and all that will ever matter!


  1. Amen. He makes sure we have what we need. Be glad and know that what we need money can not buy.

    1. Well said! If it has a price tag then it's not really all that valuable!


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