Day 2107 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV

With having just celebrated Thanksgiving, I've been thinking a lot about all we have to be thankful for. This year it seems that many of those blessings and gifts have been forgotten or overshadowed by all the struggles. And they get even further obscure when you add in the fact that we have a bad habit of taking them for granted. In reality, as I've always said, we have more to be thankful for than we do to complain about.

And it's about time that we remember that. The problem that we often run in to is that it's hard to be thankful when we're focused on all the wrong things. If we're always busy looking at our problems, weaknesses, struggles, and challenges then we're going to miss all the blessings that are pouring in. Life will always be a mix of good and bad, hard and easy. The bad will always be there, but the good things will too. It's completely on us what we choose to look at.

This past week I've shared Bible verse posts about different things that I'm thankful for in life. To be honest, many of them I don't remember thinking about before. Some of them I may have never seen had we not faced this year of questions and changes. That's the thing that I think many of us end up missing in life. We've forgotten how to look for the silver linings. We've lost the ability to find that tiny little drop of good in the worst day.

Again, life is a product of what we choose to focus on. If we spend more time looking at the bad, then we're only going to see more bad than good. But if we go the other way then even the darkest of day won't be able to douse the light of hope in our hearts. Thanksgiving has always seemed more like a reset than a holiday. It gives us a chance to stop and reflect on the good things God has done in our lives. If only we could make that a daily habit!

Truth is that we can, and all it takes is focus and commitment. If we are adamant to find the good in life then I promise that we will. And if we can find some way of waking up every day thankful and going to sleep the same way, then we're well on the way to finding peace no matter what life brings. God's blessings will always be amazing and they will never stop coming into our life. We just have to learn how to see them instead of the little bumps along the way!


  1. To see the bigger picture. To know that omorrow is a new day a new chance and to know that God is already there and Jesus will show us the way.

    1. Amen! There will always be more than our eyes can see or minds can understand. Thankfully God has all of it lined out and under control!


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