Day 2108 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV

Well, it's the last day of November. We're down to the final month of 2020, and for many it seriously feels like we're limping to the finish line. The past eight or nine months have brought all kinds of interesting things into our lives. A lot of challenges, a lot of changes, and a lot of things that none of us ever saw coming. Been the most interesting and difficult year many of us have ever experienced. But here's one thing that we should take away from it all. It's over.

It's behind us. All those bad things that happened are in the past. Now I understand that we're still dealing with many of them, the virus and the changes it has made will probably stick around for a while. But we need to stop dwelling on the past so much. We can end up spending so much time looking back that we miss out on what's happening here and now. We risk missing what God has still to come. And no matter what's happened recently, the best is still ahead.

It can be hard to imagine that it's going to get better sometimes. When we're in the midst of life's trials and hardships, they're often all that we can see. They consume us. We spend our days trying to figure out how to deal with everything. We spend our nights not sleeping because we're worried about what tomorrow may bring. But we have to stop living like that. It's all temporary!

I know that sometimes life isn't all sunshine and happiness. But none of the hard days last. While what we see right now may not look all that great, we have no reason to doubt that what lies ahead can't be better. What we see going on now will not last forever, that's a promise. And what God has planned to come next cannot be stopped. That's where our hope is found.

Our hope is in the promises that God still has for us. And the best part is that we're one day closer to those promises! So while it feels like we're just trying to survive the worst year many of us have had, we should be excited that we're closer to what God has in store. As I seem to say all the time, it's just a matter of perspective. We can focus on all that's gone wrong lately, or we can focus on the hope for the good that God still has in store. Easy choice!


  1. Amen. We have no idea what the next second holds. Walk with Jesus and trust God and we are good.

    1. Nope, we can either spend our time guessing or simply trusting. Knowing God's in control makes that trusting option so much better!


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