Day 2030 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Jeremiah 1:6 NIV

I'm too young. I'm tired. I'm scared. I'm worried. I don't feel good. I don't know how. I can't see how it will work out. I don't understand. I can't see the reason. I think someone else may not like it. I'm afraid that I might fail. Excuses are some of the easiest things in life to find. But we can either make excuses or we can make progress. Very rarely do those go hand in hand.

That idea hit me yesterday when I finished a workout that I had all but talked myself out of doing. Had a headache, felt tired, just really preferred the sound of sitting on the couch to doing more pushups. But through this life-changing journey of getting healthier and taking better care of myself there's this fire that refuses to let me quit. It's easy to find an excuse to not do something that's hard, but I know that not doing it will never help me get better.

So instead of listening to all of those comfy ideas telling me to skip it, I chose to get after it anyway and ended up having one of the best workouts I've had in a while. That's oddly what usually happens when we choose to skip the excuses and find reasons to go anyway. We end up excited and thankful for having done something that would have been all too easy to not even try.

My point is that we're not always going to feel like doing something. We're not always going to feel qualified or capable of what God's asking us to do. We can easily come up with a massive list of reasons why it won't work and how we shouldn't even try because we'll just mess it up. But we need to remember that we're not doing it for us. We're doing it because God needs us to, and He will make a way even if we can't see it right now.

We don't have to rely on our own skills, ideas, strength, or understanding. Where God leads He provides. He isn't going to call us out onto the water only to stand there and watch us drown. He calls us out there to help change us and help us see that He can do things that we would never imagine possible. Please don't look for excuses that cause you to miss seeing Him in action.


  1. I love this. Where God leads he provides. We do not have to know the outcome because actually we already do.

    1. That's a perfect way to put it! We already know it's going to be better than we can imagine, takes all the worry out of it!


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