Day 2115 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV

So MercyMe dropped their newest single last Friday, and it's one of the coolest and most powerful songs I've heard in a while. I'll drop a link below for you guys to go check it out, please make sure you do because it's absolutely incredible! It's about never giving up even in the face of truly difficult circumstances. It's one of those songs, music videos, and messages that just makes you think.

I've been thinking about it all weekend. It's so easy to get it in our minds that our problems are horrible. Some of them really are. But the thing that I've been thinking about is that there are people in this world that would love to have our bad days. They would find our inconveniences to be huge blessings compared to their normal. What we find hard would be a gift to someone else that is facing something that we can't imagine.

Everybody is dealing with something, but everyone also has amazing blessings to be thankful for. Some days, probably most of them, we choose to let the difficulties shine brighter. We choose to look at everything that's going wrong instead of what's going well. We get caught up being upset over the trials we're facing and risk missing the gifts that God has sent our way.

I realize that it's hard to feel like being thankful when days don't go smoothly. It's hard to smile when you feel like crying or yelling. Being thankful can be the hardest thing to do when it seems like everything is against us and nothing is right. But we have to find a way. We have to choose to be thankful no matter the circumstances. Learning to be thankful even in the middle of our worst day is one of the most important lessons to learn.

Life is going to be hard sometimes, but that never means that God's blessings have ended. His blessings will never cease, we just need to stop letting the bad outweigh the good. Wake up every single day being thankful that new opportunity. Go to sleep every night being thankful that He's gotten you through whatever you face that day. And do your very best to be thankful no matter what happens in between. If you can be thankful even in the middle of the hard times then nothing in life will be able to beat you down!


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