Day 2116 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Ephesians 4:32 NIV

I think our world has forgotten what's truly valuable in life. It's not a massive bank account. It isn't a fleet of sports cars. It isn't some mansion with a bunch of maids. It isn't some fancy job or powerful sounding title. The things that have the most value in life don't have a price tag. They come from the heart. That's where value is found. So in case you're in that group that has forgotten this very crucial fact: kindness is priceless!

Everyone is going through a battle that you know nothing about. That lady that cut you off in traffic may be trying to get home to spend some time with her family. The guy that yelled at you could be dealing with a broken relationship at home. The person that never smiles or waves might be extremely shy and hesitant to let anyone get to know them. The little kid that threw the fit at the grocery store might be starving for attention that they don't get from anyone else.

You see, so many times we take rudeness or anger from others as a reason to go back at them. We run with that fight fire with fire idea. But God doesn't call us to fight every battle that we're invited to. He calls us to be kind to every person that He leads us to. Kindness and compassion need to be our most basic reactions in life. Not fighting back. Not assuming the worst. Not putting someone in their place. But looking beyond the brokenness and seeing the heart of a person that's looking for hope.

Guys, that's what God does for us every single day. He looks past the moments that we allow anger to get the better of us. He forgives the times that we take off after the things and ways of this world. He looks beyond the mistakes and weaknesses we have to see the heart of His child that He loves. Kindness, compassion, and this understanding that is beyond rare in our world is what draws us to Christ because He offers all the above.

Again, everyone is dealing with something. We can either add more weight on top of that by being rude and nasty to them. Or we can take some of that weight off by showing them that someone else cares and doesn't hold anything against them. People all around us are looking for hope in humanity. We all see the worst of society every single day. Consider this your friendly reminder that we're called to be different. Love God and love others, the Bible doesn't mention us having any requirements for either!


  1. Amen. Love others as he loves us. That is what we are called to do and who we are called to be.


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