Day 2117 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 25:35 NIV

If you haven't heard Matthew West's song Give This Christmas Away then you're seriously missing out! One of the coolest newer Christmas songs I've heard! But it's also a really important message that I think all of us can use to make a difference. This year's been rough, on some more than others, and I think that we should take any opportunity we get to end it on a great note.

I think we often under estimate the power of a small act of kindness. We forget that we really can have a massive impact in the lives of those around us. Sadly I think that fact gets lost behind worrying about our own troubles and focusing too much on our own desires. But I just think that there comes a time when we need to start thinking outside of ourselves. Why not start today?

Christmas has always been one of my favorite times of the year. Seems like everything slows down and everyone gets ready to celebrate and spend time with loved ones. Growing up it was the excitement of what might be in those bright and shiny packages under the tree. But as I've gotten older that excitement has switched from what's in it for me to the joy of being able to think of others and do something good for someone else.

I'm not here to tell anyone what to do. A lot of these posts may come across like I'm telling people how to live their lives, but that's not the case. My aim is to share reminders of what the Bible tells us is important. We live in a world that exists in stark contrast to the truths and commands of God's word. So this one is just another post encouraging everyone to look at this season a little differently.

This is the season of giving, not getting. It's about slowing down long enough to see God's opportunities to help others. It's about gifts, and not only the ones that you can wrap and stick a tag on. All of us can do things for those around us that could truly change their world! It may even be something that seems monumentally small to us, but to them it might be life-changing.

Look for the chances to do good unto others. As Jesus Himself teaches us just a few verses after this one, "'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." We get to be His hands and feet carrying love and compassion to the world around us. I beg you to take this final stretch of the year and use it to help someone else see that they're loved and not forgotten!


  1. Amen. And we are here to do good to show the love that God gives us and the sacrifice the Jesus made for us. Good time of year to get started.

    1. Exactly! Just something about this time of the year that makes you think more about all the gifts we've been given!


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