Day 2118 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Acts 20:35 NIV

Yesterday I talked about the importance of remembering to be kind to others. Kindness is one of those things that will never go out of style and it will never not be important. If we've should have learned anything this year it's that we're all here together and we should be doing everything we can to help one another along the way. Being all separated, divided, and angry doesn't help!

My family and I sat down the other night and did something that's been on my mind for quite a while. This time of the year we've always tried to do something to give back and help those who may be feeling forgotten or alone. But this year we went a little bigger and did something that I think I'll always be excited about and thankful for the opportunity to do.

And while I know that it's going to make a difference, the feeling that it's given me is something that not much else can compete with. It's this true joy that is a seriously rare thing in life. I think quite a few people still think of gifts as what others give you. But the biggest gifts of them all are the uplifting and exciting feelings of helping others in need. Nothing comes close to it!

We actually talked about who ended up getting the bigger gift out of the choices we made the other night. And I have to say, I think we came out on the winning side! It really is more blessed to give than to receive because I believe that God created us to help others. So when we're doing that we just feel more whole, more alive because we're doing some of the good that He created us to do.

I really do hope that everyone takes the opportunities we're given to do good to others. Yes, it helps them in ways that we probably couldn't understand. But it also helps us in ways that we didn't know we needed. Please try it for yourself, I promise you'll see what I mean. It's one of those 'what goes around comes around' kind of things. Put good out there and I promise you will get good back, sometimes instantly in the form of a warm heart and joy that words can't express!


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