Day 2119 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 9:37 NIV

Reading through Matthew the past couple of nights and it always just amazes me how many amazing lessons and truths are in the Gospels. It's always like you're just reading along through these stories in the Old Testament and then the Gospels start off and it all just becomes personal. So many things to take in that are meant to build us up and help us become who God made us to be. Amazing how Christ's teachings so long ago are still teaching us today!

I read this one last night and thought it fit pretty well with what we've been talking about lately. The need for kindness and compassion will never go away because people need to know that the world isn't some hopeless place. So many people around us are desperate for hope to help face all that they're dealing with in life. So many are hungry for the truths that God's word teaches us. So many are searching for something that helps them feel loved and accepted.

WE HAVE THE ANSWERS!!! We have the light that can brighten up any darkness this world holds. We have the love that heals the broken hearts. We have the hope that keeps people going through hard days. We have the healing that brings forgiveness to the most lost and confused soul. We have the mercy that literally every single person needs to break free from the mistakes of the past.

People all around us are looking for good. We all see the bad. We see the hurting. We hear the fighting and yelling. We all know that there is more than enough bad in this world. That's exactly why Christ calls us to be different. He asks us to carry His message of salvation and freedom to those who are still locked in chains of sin and shame.

So go! Tell others about Jesus. Offer to pray with someone who is looking for hope. Help shine a bit of light into this messed up world to help people see that there is something better, something eternal. There is no end to the massive impact we can have when we're following Christ and helping others find Him. All we have to do is be willing to try.

We have all felt the power of faith in our lives. We've witnessed the changes that it has made in us. We have experienced the weight of old mistakes and the shame of our sins being washed away. How could we keep that to ourselves? How do we not tell others when we know what it can and will do for them? Please share what He’s given you, what He’s done for you. Our world will always need Christ and His salvation. And there is no end to what that kind of power can do!


  1. Be a part of something bigger than everything we know. Everyone is a child of God and they need to hear that. We were all saved by Jesus.

    1. Amen! One big family, and we can't risk forgetting that!


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