Day 2120 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 10:27 NIV

Kind of continuing how I ended yesterday's post. This is another one that I read last night that really jumped out at me. Our faith is life-changing. It's done some amazing things in our lives. Faith has broken the chains of sin and shame that once held us captive. It has given us a good purpose to fight for. And above all, it's given us the chance to tell others about the freedom that's found in Christ.

We have to share that. The things that we have witnessed and felt in our walk of redemption are the very things that can help others. That radical shift in our lives is needed by everyone who is still lost following all the crooked paths of darkness this world has laid down. The love and mercy that we've been shown is big enough to change this world for the better. But only if we share it.

All of our past tests are now testimonies of God's faithfulness. All of those messes that we once made are now messages that tell the world about God's healing power. All of the lessons that we've learned the hard way are chances to help others skip some of those tough times. All of the things that we have seen, felt, experienced, and endured have given us the ability to help others going through similar things.

That's why we have to share it. That's why we have to tell others about Jesus. He has changed our lives and walked with us through every single hard day that we've faced, and He will do the same for everyone else. We can't keep that to ourselves. This faith isn't a solitary thing. It isn't meant to be kept inside. It's not some secret that we can't let other people in on. It's for everyone!

My friends, we have something that can and will change lives. We have something that can and will help everyone who hears about it. Please don't keep your story of faith to yourself. You're the one that has gotten to live it, so you already know what it has done. Give others the chance to experience that power too. If each of us are able to reach one other person then this family of Christ has doubled in size! Just the thought that we could maybe play a tiny role in helping Christ save someone else is mind-blowing!


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