Day 2121 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Matthew 11:19 NIV

We've been talking about our mission to carry Christ's message to the world around us. It's needed. It's crucial. It always will be. But our world isn't all that big on taking things seriously. Not everyone will appreciate the truth of the Gospel. What we need to always keep in mind is that opinions will never change the power of the truth. People don't have to like it or like us. Our only concern needs to be sharing what He's given us to share.

There will always be plenty of naysayers. Always easy to find people who disagree or don't approve of who we are and what we're doing. That's okay! We are not here to please people. We are not here to serve the wants and wickedness of a broken world. We are here to share the life-changing and soul-saving truth of the Gospel for those that listen and take it to heart and are changed for the better because of it.

Reading through Matthew again last night and this one just connected. We all want to be liked, accepted, and appreciated. But that selfish goal cannot take precedent over our duty to follow Christ. So let people nitpick. Let them judge. Let them point out what we do wrong or how foolish they think we are. Again, their opinions cannot change the message of Christ's salvation!

The bottom line is that our faith makes us different from the world, and anyone that's different will be ridiculed. Anyone brave enough to stand out from the crowd will be judged. People will find anything they can to try and discourage us from doing what we need to do. They will fight, push back, argue, and throw stones. Bring it! We have a job to do that will change lives for the better. If we can manage to help save one person, then all the others that don't like it don't matter.

We have to find the courage to be disliked. If Jesus, the Savior who gave His life to save all of us sinners, wasn't liked, then we won't be either. Doesn't matter. "Wisdom is proved right by her deeds." The world may think us foolish now but on the day Christ returns I guess the truth will be unavoidable. And if the opinions of this place won't matter then, they don't matter now either! Keep fighting the good fight no matter what anything thinks. You are making a difference, a difference that is eternal!


  1. Another really good post. It's not what the world thinks it's what God does.

    1. Thank you, and amen!! No point in worrying about opinions coming from people who are no different than we are.


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