Day 2122 of the 7 day Bible verse challenge.

Psalm 81:11-12 NIV

We talked yesterday about not listening to the haters. Truth is that we can't possibly please everyone. There are so many people down here that have so many different requirements and expectations. They want us to be like them, to agree with whatever they say is right, and go along with what they tell us to do. But we need to be focused on listening to God alone because He is the only One that knows what's right.

Easy to see that this messed up world rarely does! People are so comfortable in their sin and selfishness that they just stop listening to reason. They only hear what they want to hear because it helps them keep convincing themselves that everything they do is okay. Justification of poor choices is easier to find than the courage and strength to do better. And the world will always choose what's easy over what's right.

Here's the problem, God will let us. He will let us choose what's easy over what's right. He will allow us to listen to the voices around us instead of His. He gives us the free will to choose who and what we follow and pay attention to. It's on us to make the right choice. We have to be the ones that take that freedom to choose and use it to do what we know in our hearts is best.

Following the world and listening to the peanut gallery will never get us anywhere. It will only leave us lost and disappointed time and time again. If anyone claims they know the way to peace and happiness but their map doesn't point to Christ, then they're full of it! He is the way, the truth, and the life. That truth stands in stark contrast to every message that we so often hear from those around us. 

The world preaches money, fame, possessions, power, control, popularity. Christ teaches humility, love, compassion, mercy, and forgiveness. Oil and water my friends! The wants and desires of this world are empty. They fade, change, and shift all the time, yet so many blindly follow after them because they're told to. Again, be different.

Don't listen to what the world says is right or important. Don't buy the things that everyone says you need to be happy. Don't keep trying all the different paths blazed by thousands that only lead to disappointment. Listen to God, follow His truth, trust in His plans and I promise that you will never end up lost or hopeless ever again!


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